Dharma Comics Coming Soon!

Among my fondest memories from childhood, I remember waking up early every Saturday morning with excitement for the new weekly cartoons. I was an aspiring cartoonist in my youth, and from a very young age was inventing my own comic book characters. Many of these characters have been lost to the sands of time in my memory, though some of the characters were actually quite good. Having grown up with a brilliant painter and artist for a Mother, I had become quite a skilled illustrator at a young age and with grandiose vision I had even submitted ideas for consideration to Marvel Comics by the age of 7 or 8 years old.

The Adventures of the Dharma Warrior


Among my fondest memories from childhood, I remember waking up early every Saturday morning with excitement for the new weekly cartoons. I was an aspiring cartoonist in my youth, and from a very young age was inventing my own comic book characters. Many of these characters have been lost to the sands of time in my memory, though some of the characters were actually quite good. Having grown up with a brilliant painter and artist for a Mother, I had become quite a skilled illustrator at a young age and with grandiose vision I had even submitted ideas for consideration to Marvel Comics by the age of 7 or 8 years old.

By the age of 10 years or so I had become quite immersed in the world of the table top role playing game Dungeons & Dragons, and for some time I aspired to be a writer and illustrator of fantasy art. Images of heroes and villains, dragons and castles and mythical landscapes filled my day dreams in my pre-teens. Much of my teenage years was spent gaming and developing aspects of my Forgotten Realms campaign, a popular fantasy style world made for the Dungeons & Dragons game.

Though I never did pursue a professional career as a writer or illustrator of comic books or fantasy art, much of the spirit of this stage of my life has lived on through other aspects of my expression as a writer and visual artist. I see so much of myself as a little boy when I look upon my devotional spiritual practices throughout lif, right up to the modern day. When I began researching Western ceremonial magick in my late teens I was quite pleased to discover a concept that a modern day psychologist might call the “archtype”, which I had been familiar with on a subconscious level from a young age. Not only was I creating and illustrating my own characters from a young age, but these characters always seemed to represent some latent or unsatisfied aspect of my self; some sort of spirit that I felt lived within and wanted to come to life through me. In this way the Dharma Warrior has existed for a long time, and has manifested in different guises in my artistic expression throughout my life. So too I have embodied and brought to life other selves, and the more that I have become a conscious contributor in this process the more powerful the process itself, and the avatars have become.

The NightWolf Issue #333: The Atrocious Cry of Wolves (draft cover image)

From time to time I always find myself with a feeling of wishing I had done more with my skills as an illustrator, so in recent days I have decided to start brushing up on my drawing skills in an attempt to provide even more entertaining and inspiring content for the friends and fans of the Dharma Warrior. I have decided to resurrect my love of comic illustration via the Dharma Warrior Blog by providing weekly Saturday Morning Cartoons! I have been preparing a small number of entertaining comic strips and segments which will soon begin appearing on the DW Blog early every Saturday morning. I hope to eventually expand this section of the blog to include an entire section with crossword puzzles, word-searches, horoscopes etc like you see in the weekly news papers. This process has re-kindled my old love of character creation and story telling, and I think my friends and fans will enjoy some comic relief in the modern dark age. I think you’ll all enjoy some of the sections I’ve been working on. I try not to take myself too seriously as it is, but this will really be having a laugh on me for the most part. I look forward to sharing Dharma Comics with you all very soon!


#DharmaComics #dharmawarrior #therealdharmawarrior #DWTVPodcast #cartoonist #illustrator #comicbookart #saturdaymorningcartoons #adventuresofthedharmawarrior #thenightwolf #nightwolf #Joker902 #theOracle #yogablog #fitnessblog #healthandwellness #arttherapy #novascotia #novascotiablog #yogisofnovascotia



Join Yogi Shiva Dharma Nath every Sunday at 9am & 3pm in the Commnity Garden at the Quinpool Road Common all Summer.

This is a beginner to intermediate class. All ages and skill levels are welcome. It is our goal to offer the community an accessible and affordable weekly class that will provide a foundation in the elementary aspects of traditional Hatha Yoga and give the new student an introduction to Yogic postures (Asanas) and breathwork (Pranayama).

During the Covid-19 pandemic the Dharma Warrior will be doing everything in his power to play safe while still offering this service to the local community. Please bring your own Yoga mat and anything else you might need (towel, water etc). In the event of rain join me for Rainy Day Yoga on the DWTV Youtube Channel.

Follow the Dharma Warrior on Facebook and Instagram @therealdharmawarrior for daily updates and highlights from the adventures of Yogi Shiva Dharma Nath!