DWTV Podcast Episode #3: “The Mysteries of Jyotish: The Rashis” with Iron Age Jyotish
“The Zodiac is more than a cyclical progression of symbols that analogue the stars which distantly circumference the planetary ellipses of our solar system – the Zodiac is a complex cipher that describes Time and the Semantic Essence of a given span of Time on every possible scale. The Zodiac can encompass a moment, a season, an age, or even the life-span of the Universe.” – Mysteries of Jyotish: The Rashis Part One : The Primordial Age
Stay tuned to DWTV via the Dharma Warrior Youtube Channel for more on the “Mysteries of Jyotish Series with Iron Age Jyotish!
Read the first installment of Iron Age Jyotish’s series on the Mysteries of the Rashis on the DharmaWarrior.net blog!! “Mysteries of Jyotish: The Rashis Part One: The Primal Age” by Harry Neal John MacRae of Iron Age Jyotish is the first installment of a three part series exploring the nature of the Zodiacal system of the Rashis in Vedic Astrology.