“Mysteries of Jyotish: The Planets” with Neal John MacRae of Iron Age Jyotish

Watch the first installment of “Mysteries of Jyotish” on the Dharma Warrior YouTube Channel! DWTV Podcast Episode #2 “Mysteries of Jyotish: The Planets” With Neal John MacRae of Iron Age Jyotish now available!

In Jyotish the most fundamental concept which the practitioner, the client and the hobbyist alike should understand, is the nature of the NavaGrahas, the Nine Planets. Too often, in Western astrology, these Celestial Lords of the Firmament are reduced to mere objects, simple lodes whose effects are attributed to pseudo-scientific material forces, waves, energy, or other New Age hokum. This perception not only leaves the sacred science of astrology open to (deserved) criticism from the astronomy/science community, but also disarms those who adhere to it of any genuinely useful spiritual merit or context.

The Nine Planets as they physically appear to the astronomer, are mere metaphors, simple material expressions of deific consciousnesses. It is not the material planets themselves that exert themselves upon the narrative of our lives, but rather the deifics they represent. These celestial bodies are moved and thus we are moved, to know one is to know the other.

NavaGraha roughly translates as “The Nine that Lay Hold”, “The Nine that Seize”, or “The Nine Holders”, Nava meaning ‘nine’ and Graha meaning ‘Grab, Hold, Seize’. The significance of the meaning of Graha cannot be understated – the Grahas pull upon, capture, grip and drag, rather than outright determine or ordain.

The rule of the Navagrahas can be likened to the very gravity of the physical planets that represent them, that is to say, with sufficient force their will can be resisted or even outright defied. So, although they are extremely powerful the Grahas are not All Powerful. However, this “gravity” is not overcome by mere desire, but rather by those processes peculiar to the shedding of Karmas, the deconditioning of the Soul.

The nativity is thus, not a Doom, but a map of the net our Karmas have cast for us, the tracts of fate which every prior incarnation has produced. If Jyotish could only describe the inescapeable, the condemnations and caprice of the heavens, then there would be little use in its study, for it would be in vain. We study Jyotish, rather, because the best way to navigate our Karmas and our Fates is by understanding them, that we might better face the challenges ahead and fair better in the enduring of them than we would have if we had never availed ourselves of our natal chart and its secrets.

Of the Nine Planets used in Jyotish, seven will likely be familiar to the Westerner: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. The other two are known as Rahu and Ketu, or as they are sometimes referred to (obscurely) in Western astrology as the Northern and Southern Nodes of the Moon. These planets are known as Chhayagraha, or “Shadow Planets” in that they have no physical body to represent them in the material universe, rather they are mathematically determined points in the elliptic of the Moon, always 180 degrees apart, which are used to track eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

Some may have also noticed that the Outer Planets (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, etc) are not included in this system. This is because these planets represent domains of consciousness and agency which transcend human apprehension and understanding. Whatever influence the relevant deifics of these planetary bodies exert is simply on too large a scale (both in terms of time and scale) to be useful in determining anything of specificity in the chart of the relatively short-lived human being.

The Nine Planets:

Sun / Surya: The Sun is the Soul, the Eternal and unchanging core of Human consciousness. Surya is the King of the Navagrahas, Alpha and Omega of Creation, the Grand Conflagration at the Beginning and End of Time. The Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all facets of and focused expressions (in specificity) of the Sun’s faculties, powers, domains and aspects. In this way, the Sun is the totality of all the Planetary Powers – the Plurality as a Regal and Refined Unity.

The Sun is associated with and in its highest expression manifests Authority, Mastery, Bravery, Moral Clarity, Truthfulness, Dignity, Regality, Bodily Health, Ressurection and Immortality. The Sun is also the source of all Divine Authority and Moral Substantiation. Jupiter’s Writing of the Laws of Nature only serves Dharma insofar as this Law is in accordance with the Truth and Moral Righteousness of the Sun, the same can be said of Saturn’s Punishments, Mercury’s Investigations, Venus’ Artistry, Mars’ Wars and Moon’s Explorations. The Sun, when at its worst, produces Despotism, Tyranny, Abuse of Power, Egotism, and Narcissism.

It is the Light of Lord Surya that illuminates and is refracted through the other six Grahas (the Nodes do not reflect, but rather consume Surya’s Light). Thus, for the conditioned and incarnate soul the experience of Self-hood is mediated through that which Surya shines upon, rather than through direct apprehension of Its Light – this is akin to the mundane experience of trying to look directly at the Sun, more often than not, its brilliance is overwhelming and even harmful and it is easier to appreciate its light through the appreciation of what it reveals, rather than the source of the light itself. Thus, Surya is the Riddle of the Self which lies at the heart of all Religious Endeavour.

In the Natal chart, the Sun represents one’s Soul (the unchanging core of the Personality), the Father, how the native relates to the State and Authority figures, the Body and one’s Health.

The Moon / Chandra: Chandra is the Mind, Phenomenal Consciousness, Experience itself. The Moon is the Vehicle through which the entirety of Life is experienced, the very Stage upon which the Cosmic Drama unfolds. As the recipient of Light, which produces no Light of its own, Chandra represents the Devotee, the Initiate who seeks Illumination from his Guru. It is this eternally moving, exploring and seeking quality of the Moon which defines its relationship with the stoic and unmoving Sun – Self-Image (Moon) and Self (Sun) in the process of Reunification and Reconcilitation.

Chandra’s domain is that of Flux, Change, Cyclicity, Experience, Contemplation, Devotion, Curiousity, Inspiration, Receptivity, Transformation, Now-ness, the Senses, Initiation, Guile, Fertility and the Plant World. Chandra is also sometimes referred to as Soma, thus making the Moon the ruling deity of the Nectar of Heaven, the Mead of Inspiration, and all Entheogenic Substances, Medicinal Herbs and Subtle Fluids. The negative qualites of the Moon are Fickleness, Infidelity, Unreliability, Deception, Materialism, Hedonism, and Lunacy.

In the nativity the Moon represents the Mind, the primary domain of focus in the native’s life, the native’s frame of reference, the Mother, the subtle fluids of the astral body, the native’s dream-life and areas of life subject to frequent change and flux.

Mercury / Budh: Mercury is the Cosmic Intellect, the Analyzing and Synthesizing Spirit through which the Experiences gathered by the Moon are processed, organized, named and continually revised. Mercury is language, communication, designation and categorization – the very stuff of Information itself, the Logos. Mercury is also the only planet which is not considered to be weakened or “burnt” when it is conjunct the Sun, this symbolizes the imperviousness of genuine inquiry (Mercury) to the revelations of Truth (Sun). Mercury is also the Psychopomp, the Guide of the Dead and the Wanderer of the Realms who is welcome in Heaven, on Earth and in Hell, travelling freely between them all.

Mercury is the Lord of Investigation, Knowledge, Language, Logic, Mathematics, Discernment, Communication, the Voice, the Written Word, Metempsychosis, Money and Trade, Study and Travel. Mercury is also, however, also responsible for Deceit, Misinformation, Manipulation, Cold-Bloodedness, Discrimination, Theft, Usury, Mercantilism, Materialism, and Hyper-rationalism. Mythologically speaking Budh (Mercury) is the child of Brihaspati’s (Jupiter) wife Tara and Soma (Moon), this represents that Mercury is the product of Jupiter’s Wisdom and Lawfulness with that of Moon’s Sensuality and Experientiality.

In the chart Mercury tells us about a native’s mode of cognition, capacity for Learning and Speech, writing ability, Rationality, relationship with travel, Business Savvy and the native’s innate Talent.

Mars / Mangal: Mangal is the Lord of Energy. All that comes to be must harness Mars to effect its manifestation and realization, it is the very stuff of Effort and Action. As the Lord of War, Mars is that Force which contests with Present conditions, it is Ambition. Mars is Lust for Result and the State of Disatisfaction, hence its long association with marital difficulties, the male libido and war (which is often waged out of disdain for poor present conditions). Mars is generally responsible for all emotions, but it is especially tied to Anger, Jealousy, Pride, Excitement, Euphoria and Hatred. Mars is the Great Avenger of Injustices, the Enforcer of Jupiter’s Law and the Maintainer of Dharma in the Material World, a role defined by Struggle, Conflict and Sacrifice. However, since Destruction and Construciton are the natural results of Ambition, as the Lord of Ambition, Mars is also the Lord of Architects, Carpenters, Gardeners and Agriculturists, and Engineers. Mars is also the ruler of all fuels and the vehicles which consume them, thus Mars and Moon co-rule the Blood which flows through the body, and Mars and Sun co-rule the Body itself, with Mars ruling moreso over athletic ability and energy levels, whereas the Sun pertains more to general constitution, receptivity to medicine and overall health.

Mars is War, Conflict, Vengeance, Violence, Anger, Emotion, Dissatisfaction, Action, Energy, Aggression, Lust, Power, Design, Pride, Construction, Destruction, Conflagration, and Struggle. As one might surmise, Mars has a great capacity for many things which are widely considered to be negative, hence its categorization in both Western and Vedic Astrology as a Malefic. Mars is however, still the primary source of Motivation, Energy, and Determination for mankind amoungst the Planets.

In the Chart, Mars rules over the Libido of Male natives, Athletic Ability, Vehicles, Emotion, Ambition, Brothers and close Male Friends, boyfriends and sexual partners (in the charts of Women), Cardiovascular Health, Accidents, Injuries and Violence. Mars placements also often directly impact marital happiness and success.

Venus / Shukra: Shukra means “Semen” or “Semen of God”, “The Brilliant One” and “The White One”, thus Shukra represents the Fertilizing, Fructifying and Materializing process whereby the Ideal becomes the Actual. Shukra is the Lord of Procreation, Birth and Art. It is Venus who brings Life into the world of Matter, and propells the forces of evolution, invention and artistic expression. Venus is the very essence of Sexuality and Copulation, Love and Romance. Whereas Mars is Lust, Venus is the object of Lust, it does not desire, but rather it gives – Shukra is bountiful and replete, ready to dispense with seed and potentiating essence. The interplay of Mars’ ambition with Venus’ limitless fertility is the Secret to all Begetting.

Venus is from whence proceeds all Fertility, Artistic Mastery, Beauty, Love, Sexuality, and is one of the primary forces involved in technological, cultural and artistic innovation. Venus is however also responsible for Perversion, Sexual Abuse, Rape, Materialism, Hedonism, Racism, Elitism, Black Magick, Sadistic Behaviour, and Egotism.

In the nativity, Venus represents one’s Creativity, Fertility, Libido (both male and female), Sexual Preferences, Women in the native’s life, the Wife or Sexual Partners of Male Natives, and Venus can also indicate material Wealth and Luxuries.

Jupiter / Brihaspati: Jupiter is the Great Arbiter, the Judge of the Cosmos and the Great Guru. Jupiter is the regulator and codifier of Solar Authority, Morality and Truth. Thus Jupiter is that which imparts the Law unto Mankind and guides him in his adherence to it. It is important to note that Jupiter itself is not the Source of Moral Authority, but rather merely its Interpretor, and that when Jupiter is deprived of or separated from the Solar Influence, it becomes arbitrary, amoral and chaotic. Jupiter is Expansion and Prosperity, the nurturing force which rewards religious adherence and the implementation of the exoteric elements of religion. Jupiter does not impart gnosis or genuine spiritual insight, but rather provides those favourable conditions in which these things might be achieved. Jupiter is also Chance and Luck itself, the Rewards of Karma and the Bounty which Comes Unbidden.

Jupiter is the Priest of the Gods, the Lord of Ceremonies and thus is also associated with all rituals, customs, formalities and dogmas. Jupiter is Law, Order, Custom, Religion, Philosophy, Civilization, Reward, Chance, Luck, Wealth, and Prosperity, but also Arbitrariness, Oligarchy, Tyranny, Demagoguery, Bureaucracy, Legalism, Literalism and Blind Faith.

In the nativity, Jupiter represents the Guru, Luck, Wealth, the Husband (in a woman’s chart), and one’s disposition towards the Law, Religion and Philosophy.

Saturn / Shani: Saturn is often called The Great Malefic, the Most Feared of the Planets, the Lord of Death and Loss. Saturn is the Suffering we endure throughout our lives, the Loss of things we hold dear, the aging of our bodies, the endless march of Time and material destitution. Saturn aims to teach Mankind to turn towards the Internal and Spiritual Realms by frustrating our material conditions. Saturn is the Task-master, who doles out our Karmic challenges (in conjunction with Rahu and Ketu) and he is the End of All Things. Saturn is also the Lord of Slaves, Labourers, the Working Class, the Poor, the Homeless and the Elderly. Saturn dwells at the very edge of the visible Solar System, thus He represents Limits, the very Horizon of what is Possible. Saturn is that which regulates Jupiter’s excesses and prevents Jupiter’s rewards from spoiling incarnate souls, introducing poverty and desolation wherever greed, satiety and luxury blind human beings from the deeper reality of the Spirit.

Saturn is Death, Deprivation, Work Ethic, Suffering, Rebellion, Class Strugglee, Servitude, Loss, Submission, Labour, Time, Limitation, and the Hardships of the Material World.

In the birth chart, Saturn indicates Suffering, Karma, Work Ethic, Elders, Injuries, Death, Loss, Servitude, Restriction and Limitation.

The Northern Node / Rahu: Rahu is the Head of the Dragon, the Devourer of the Sun and Moon, the Spirit of Delusions, Progress, Confusion, Chaos, Distortion and Karma. Rahu is that which obscures the Light of Truth and thus produces nihilism, obsession, falsehood and madness. Rahu seeks to test and tempt mankind, to hasten the process whereby Karma is resolved and confronted, by dragging mankind through the most infernal states of consciousness, bringing the soul into confrontation with the Demonic that it might be overcome. Rahu is the Lord of the present age, the Kali Yuga, and thus also the ideologies of Progress, Liberalism, Nihilism, Modernism, Aburdism and all of modernities political modalities. Rahu opposes authority, norms and stability of any kind, favouring instead chaos, upheaval and ambiguity. Rahu is also the Lord of Technology, Innovation, Novelty and (alongside Ketu) is a gateway through which strange and otherwordly forces may enter our reality in defiance of the laws of Surya and Brihaspati.

Rahu is Delusion, Illusion, Addiction, Toxicity, Distortion, Egotism, Obsession, Mania, Horror, Death, Anarchy, Maya and Insurrection. Rahu also begets Novelty, Evolution, Change, Innovation, and relates to the secret processes of Manifestation and Magick.

The Southern Node / Ketu: Ketu is the Tail of the Dragon, Sun-Eater and Moon-Swallower, Lord of Ego-Death, Spiritual Liberation, Moksha, Karma and Disillusionment. Ketu is that which yearns for release from the bonds of Karma and the Manifest Universe, Ketu is that which desires the Peace and Serenity of the Void. Ketu disregards all Cosmic Laws in pursuit of Liberation and Spiritual Transcendance, this is because Ketu is the manifest aspect of the Void in our Reality, it is that which remembers what was Before All Things. Ketu is also the consciousness of Ancestors, the Realms of the Dead, the Shells of all prior incarnations and the identities of Tribe, Nation, Family and Lineage. Ketu is the Sum of Karma, the Totality of All that has Been. Whereas Rahu is concerned with the Future, Ketu is instead a backwards flowing current consumed by the Past.

Ketu is Moksha, Transcendance, Liberation, Ego-Death, Absence, Death, Lack, Disillusionment, Karma, Memory, Ancestry, Group-consciousness, the Past, Detachment and Intuition.

In the nativity Ketu represents our Past Incarnations, our Ancestors, things which we are detached from or that we lack, Memories of Past Lives, Karmas, and our relationship with the past and that which no longer exists.

Harry Neal John Macrae

Harry Neal John Macrae lives in the beautiful Cape Breton, Nova Scotia where he operates as a professional Vedic Astrologer under the name Iron Age Jyotish.

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Watch the first installment of “Mysteries of Jyotish” on the Dharma Warrior YouTube Channel! DWTV Podcast Episode #2 “Mysteries of Jyotish: The Planets” With Neal John MacRae of Iron Age Jyotish now available!